The Biggest Problem With Weight Fluctuation, And How You Can Fix It - Outer Strength Fitness

The Biggest Problem With Weight Fluctuation, And How You Can Fix It

So, you’re in this constant fight with yourself as you find your weight fluctuating consistently. As a personal trainer and online transformation specialist, I have had the privileged of helping hundreds of people lose weight but a common problem I see is that your weight doesn’t always head in the right direction. Weight fluctuation is one of the leading triggers to de-motivating you to reach your goals.

Weight fluctuation can cause a sudden weight gain of 100g-2kgs during the day. Well, there can be various reasons for this, but solely focussing on the number on the scales can be very misleading.

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Why does my weight fluctuate?

Your scale weight fluctuation can come down to many things.

Daily Weight Fluctuation and Sudden Weight Gain

Hydration Status

The causes of daily weight fluctuation and sudden weight can come down to your hydration status. Imagine you drink 1L of water in the morning, don’t you think your weight will increase slightly? Especially if you are dehydrated, as your weight may be lower than normal causing a sudden weight gain as your body absorbs the fluid. Unsure on the role of what water plays in our bodies? Click here to read more about the importance of water and see if you are drinking enough during the day.

Meal Timing

The timing of your meals will also contribute to your daily weight fluctuation and sudden weight gain. A portion of food will make you a little heavier if you haven’t eaten and say eight hours. Plus, the majority of the world’s population live on a high carbohydrate diet which means that for every 1g of carbohydrate you eat, you pull around 3g of water from it. So, let’s say you eat 50g of carbohydrates so that’s roughly 200g of Basmati rice, your weight will increase around 150g just from that rice.

This is why LOW CARB diets are thought to work miracles in the first week as their weight drops down really fast at the beginning. But that’s just from losing some water and glycogen which is just stored carbohydrate in the muscle. Learn more about carbohydrates and how they play a crucial role in our bodies.

The Toilet

Your toilet pit stops are contributors to your daily weight fluctuation and sudden weight can. When you have just gone for a number two you’re going be a lot lighter but if you haven’t for a couple of days or something like that your weights going to be up and that’s going to affect your daily weight fluctuation and sudden weight gain.

That Time of The Month

Unfortunately, ladies, your menstrual cycle will affect your weight fluctuation.

You will typically hold onto some water and get some bloating going on if it’s that time of the month so keep that in mind that it’s going to cause sudden weight gain, anywhere up to 2kgs. My best tip for you would be to increase your daily water intake slightly to help flush out any water retention.

Signs of Long-Term Weight Fluctuation

There are a couple of factors that can contribute to weight fluctuation over a longer time frame. You’ve increased lean muscle mass, lost/gained fat. The type of weight fluctuation we want.

How To Monitor Your Scale Weight Fluctuation

If you are looking to transform the way you look then there are other ways to track your progress instead of seeing the dreaded number on the scales.

Here are some great ways to track your progress to looking amazing!

How your clothes are fitting

Put yourself in this scenario. The number on the scale stays the same, but your clothes fit much better. Well, something has changed. You have most likely lost a little bit of unwanted fat!

Body Measurements

A great tool for measuring your progress is to take body measurements. The most common measurements you can take are: Chest, Waist, Hips. This will show you the progress you have made with these measurements hopefully reducing.

Body Fat %

Dexa scans are a great way to give you a detailed analysis on your body composition. Your body fat % will be measured alongside your muscle mass weight. If you can reduce your body fat % and increase a little bit of lean muscle, you’ll be right on your way to looking amazing.

Before and after photos

We look in the mirror every day and never notice a change in our appearance. Taking a photo of yourself in every 6-8 weeks will show you the significant progress you are making.

As my clients will tell you, my favourite saying is that nobody in the street will come up to you and ask you to step on the scales. They will comment on how good you look and that doesn’t come from the number on the scales specifically. So if your weight isn’t budging, try some alternative measurements to prove you are on track.

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