4 Essential Nutritional Strategies for Achieving Optimal Health - Regardless of Your Goal - Outer Strength Fitness

4 Essential Nutritional Strategies for Achieving Optimal Health – Regardless of Your Goal

Are you looking to transform your body, increase your strength, or just feel energised and healthy for your family? Nutrition is key to achieving any of these goals, and at Outer Strength Fitness, we’re here to help you get there. Here are four simple nutritional habits you can use to jumpstart your journey to a healthier lifestyle.

Our team has found that these four key nutrition habits are often the best way to help reach any goal. The specifics of the habits will vary depending on the client’s current situation and target goal, but generally adhering to these four habits will set anyone up for a happy and healthy life. For those who want a reminder of these habits, feel free to print this off and hang it on your fridge, or show it to friends and colleagues at work.


Strategy 1: Veggies With Every Meal!

Eating vegetables with each feeding opportunity is a great way to ensure you are getting a variety of vitamins and minerals each day.

Healthy digestion

Eating a variety of vegetables is a great way to maintain your digestive health. Fibre-rich vegetables like broccoli and kale can help keep your body “regular” and your digestive system running smoothly.

Reducing Hunger

Eating to stay satiated is essential for a sustainable diet, and vegetables are the best way to achieve this. They not only provide a high fibre content, but they also add volume to meals, making them more satisfying.

To make sure you’re getting your daily dose of veggies, strive to fill half of your plate with them. This will keep you feeling full and reduce the likelihood of unhealthy cravings, hunger pains, and dieting temptations.

Strategy #2: Eat every 2 to 4 hours. 

Eating regularly is the key to success! Making sure you eat something every two to four hours will help keep your energy up throughout the day and keep cravings and hunger at bay. Eating in this way can mean anywhere from three to six meals a day, depending on your lifestyle and what works best for you. Staying satiated with regular meals will help prevent any ‘accidental’ snack attacks. So, let’s make sure we remember to eat up every two to four hours and keep our energy levels high!

Worried about eating too many calories if you were to consume more meals? Make each meal smaller in portions!!

Strategy 3: Each meal must include a protein source

Eating a protein source at each meal is a must if you want to reach your health and fitness goals. Protein provides essential nutrients that are essential for muscle growth and repair. Make sure to include a source of protein in your meals to ensure you are getting enough of this essential nutrient.

For those that want to make real tangible changes in your body composition, it’s important to follow this habit. Men should aim for 30-40g of protein per meal, which is equivalent to 150-200g of uncooked chicken breast, and women should aim for 20-30g per meal.

Consuming protein with each meal links back nicely with our other habits of eating more frequently and consuming more veggies each year as protein is very satiating.

Strategy 4: Consume Alcohol In Moderation

While we all enjoy a drink, excessive alcohol consumption can have a negative impact on our fitness goals, health, and overall well-being. It’s important to understand that drinking regularly can impede fat loss, damage the liver and pancreas, and weaken the immune system. It’s all about priorities – do you want to have fun or achieve your health and fitness goals? Keep in mind that one big night out can set back fat loss for a week or more. So, while it’s important to have a life and go out, it’s important to be aware of the effects that excessive drinking may have on your progress. Before getting upset about slow changes, consider if excessive drinking is a variable that needs to be addressed.

Whether you’re trying to lose weight, build muscle, or become a faster runner, there are some nutritional strategies that can help you succeed. Whether you’re running a marathon or trying to lose five pounds, these tips should help keep you on track towards your goal.

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