The Ultimate Guide To Setting Fitness Goals - Outer Strength Fitness

The Ultimate Guide To Setting Fitness Goals

When it comes to fitness, setting fitness goals with conviction is essential to help you really achieve your wishes.

Do you have a goal? A focus in life? Something that you have invested a large amount of time, effort, money to achieve and yet feel you like you still haven’t achieved it or moved in the right direction?

Don’t worry, it’s very common.

Goal setting is very important to life as it gives us a great understanding of what we really want to achieve or have. Goal setting (done correctly) gives us a clear direction of how to achieve many things. However, it can also be a complete brain bashing! Let me show you how setting fitness goals can be one of the best things you can do.

How not to set fitness goals

As I just mentioned, creating and setting goals can be a brain bashing. Many of us look at our previous experiences when it comes to setting goals. You tried to achieve X before and that didn’t work, but now you still want to achieve the same thing. You then undertake the same methods you think is right but still end up in the same situation. No Progress. Simply put, if you continue to do what you have always done in the past then you can only expect to get the same result! You need to learn how to set goals with conviction!

In the fitness industry, a very common goal that you would be able to relate to is the New Year’s Resolution of “Getting Fit”. But let’s be honest, that only lasts a couple of week for most people. Why you ask? Because every single year you do exactly the same thing as the year before. Are you a busy business professional? See if your job is impacting your fitness goal today.


How To Set Fitness Goals and Achieve Them

Firstly, you need to break the vicious cycle of always falling short of your goals. How do you do it?  You change your way of setting fitness goals. Not only do you need to set an outcome fitness goal (whatever you want to achieve) but you also need to set quite a few behavioural goals as well. Behavioural goals are daily/weekly goals that you can 100% control that directs you to your outcome goal. The length of the outcome goal is really up to you, but behavioural goals should be set weekly that make your journey to achieving your goals that much easier.

A chance to create a focus and goals that you want to achieve. Start by answering the following questions in my 11 Step Success Plan which is great for Setting Fitness Goals. They are not easy, but they will enable you, in time, to become very focused and motivated to achieve your goals.

What are you not happy with right now?

Describe your current situation.

Which of these is your priority?

On a scale of 1-10, how willing are you to achieving this goal even if it causes conflict with family and friends?

These are just a couple of questions from my 11 step success plan, which you can download for FREE below! This can be used in any aspect of your life. Especially setting fitness goals.

Visit the questions often until you feel you really understand where you are now and where you want to go.

The Most Crucial Question You Must Ask Yourself

What is holding you back from achieving this goal? Think for a moment. Is this fear real? Or is it just some imagination voice talking in your mind?

It’s great to create a goal and a plan to go with it, but you MUST identify what has held you back from achieving this goal. Did deep. It really helps you break through any doubt you may have.

The best piece of advice for changing your talk is by a word replacement that can re-wire your brain is changing from “I want” to “I will”. “I will lose 5kgs” sounds much more convincing than “I want to lose 5kgs”.

Don’t worry about your capabilities. Can I do this? I have never done anything like this before? Well, you are never going to know if you never try. You would’ve almost certainly had a thought of “I can’t do this” then you get up and do it. Feels amazing, right? Well, this is the same. Try it, and be consistent.

Set your direction

Now you know where you want to head, it’s time to create a clear vision of the direction you will take on your fitness journey. This is where the behavioural goals come into play. How are you going to achieve your goal? What will it take monthly, weekly, daily, hourly? If you know all of these things, then reaching your target will be that much easier. A big mistake is seeing people set great behavioural goals, but jump into trying to achieve them all at once. Don’t rush, you have plenty of time. My best advice is to pick 3, yes just 3 behavioural goals and consistently achieve them. Once you can do these goals consistently, then you may move onto other behavioural goals you have set.

Setting fitness goals should be easy for you now. Figuring out what you really want, identifying what is holding you back, and setting a clear direction.

Be consistent and create good habits. And more importantly, give it a good go. Have the courage to go what it takes towards your goals. Keep focused, keep learning.


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