How Margaret Transformed Her Body In 11 Weeks!

10 kgs down at the age of 60!

After getting back from a 3 month holiday, Margaret admitted that she completely forgot to look after her health and fitness.

At 60 years of age, not being happy with the way she looked, how her clothes felt really made Margaret think that she needed to prioritise her health and fitness.

Margaret said the things holding her back where bad habits and a yo-yo mindset constantly moving between 100% motivated and not at all.

One thing you need to know with Margaret also is that before her transformation, she was receiving serious medical treatment, which made her results even more incredible!

Over 40's Exercise Training

Margaret made the commitment to herself and booked in for 4x Personal Training sessions per week with Outer Strength Fitness owner JJ Coutts and wow what a difference that made.

“JJ really knows his stuff, he is very knowledgable for such a young guy and the professionalism of training is amazing”.

Margaret’s weekly schedule was trying to average 12,000 steps per day which increase over the 11 weeks to 15,000 steps per day. This was a pretty easy task for Margaret, walking the dog every day, to and from the gym and the supermarket most days.

“I can fit into clothes that I could’ve 20 years ago!

Her training schedule consisted of 3x weight sessions per week, along with a 45 minute cardio session, as one of Margaret’s other goals was to increase her cardiovascular fitness.

“Everything Outer Strength Fitness teaches you about is something you must listen to”.

Margaret was dedicated 100% to both her exercise and nutrition program throughout the 11 weeks.

Some of the biggest factors that Margaret took from training where how reducing her alcohol consumption, making lower calories food choices and being in a calorie deficit really helps results.

“I’ve really educated myself further in the world or exercise and nutrition, something that I didn’t really care about 6 months ago.


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