How Aggressive Should A Calorie Deficit Be? - Outer Strength Fitness

How Aggressive Should A Calorie Deficit Be?

How aggressive should your calorie deficit be?

When it’s time to focus on losing a bit of body fat, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and confused about the time frame we wish to drop body fat in. You might have a strict time frame (weddings, holidays, etc), or you aren’t fussed about how long it takes and you want to take your time. Both are equally important but the first requires a more structured and specific nutritional diet to achieve the goal.

Have a strict time frame? Here’s what you need to do.

When you have a strict time frame that you need to drop body fat in, you are going to have to add some restraints into your daily nutrition. A time frame usually will require a stricter and more aggressive approach as there is no time to waste for getting into shape. 

What’s a strict time frame? Between 6-12 week usually. Depending on your current physique, you can start to see amazing results in only 4 weeks, but 6-12 week is usually where you will see the majority of your progress.

Restraints (not “resctrictions”) with nutrition could mean that you may have to skip the alcohol from time to time when you go out and socialise, you prepare a lot of your daily meals, you have to say “NO” to treats and snacks at work for the most time. Your sole focus is on your time frame and will not let anything get in the way of it.

The downside to a more aggressive calorie deficit approach is it usually brings on hunger a lot quicker, reduces training performance, generates poor sleep patterns and an increase in your fatigue levels compared to a longer term approach. When do these become present? It varies from person to person.

Factors that indicate you’re the right fit for an aggressive calorie deficit:

1: You have a very short time frame

2: You work best with a “get in, get out” mindset. (Do something hard for a short period of time and have a rest).

3: You work best with seeing fast results straight away

4: You are at a higher body fat %

An aggressive calorie deficit is anything more than 30% of your current maintenance calories.

Looking for a longer-term approach? Here’s what you need to do.

This is probably ideal for those that want to lose body fat on a slower approach along with enjoying the more social aspects of their life, have a busy lifestyle or have a family to look after. Throughout a longer term approach you are still making good healthy choices along the way, but do have the flexibility for socialising and slipping into temporary bad habits.

A common problem that happens when looking for a long term approach is one that you can be demotivated with seeing slow results. It’s important to be able to understand that is the process that is happening, and it’s essential to embrace that.

Factors that indicate you’re the right fit for a longer term approach:

1: You have no time frame

2: You aren’t willing to put restraints on your social life

3: You aren’t de-motivated by not seeing quick results

4: Your lifestyle and family are the more important than seeing results ASAP

A deficit range can be from as little as 5% up to 20-25% depending on your current body compostition.

We hope this article has helped you understand the different levels of aggressiveness when it comes to calorie deficits and how to find the right one for you. Remember, always consult with a professional before starting any diet or exercise program. If you’re looking for help in creating a tailored plan that fits your specific needs, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today. Our team of experts would be more than happy to assist you in reaching your goals!

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