Free Weights Vs Machines: Which is better

Weight training is a great way to get fit, strong, tone and many more physiological benefits that you can’t see. There are multiple ways you can do weight training. You can either use free weights and machines. Both have the pros and cons. There has always been many opinions of free weights or machines is better for the individual.

What are Free Weights

Free weights are any type of dumbbell, barbell, kettlebell, medicine balls, pretty much any type of weight training equipment that doesn’t have a fixed movement pattern and are free from any type of machine.

What are machine weights

Machine weights is a piece of gym equipment that uses weights with a structure full of cables, hinges to provide resistance to a person.

The Pros and Cons of Free Weights

Benefits of Free Weights

Allow you to use stabilising muscles: Free weights are very beneficial to your body as they required you to activate multiple muscles groups in order to complete the movement. This will ensure you keep your joints very healthy.

Allow you to train the full range of motion: Following on from the previous benefits when you use, with free weights you are not restricted to the range of motion of that particular exercise. Training is the full range will ensure you get the maximum benefit of the exercise and again, keep your joints healthy.

Multiple Variations: As the word free weight implies, the weight is free of any cables/structures, so you can use different angles and grips to hit different areas of your muscles.

Limitations of Free Weights

Increased Risk of Injury: For the beginner, free weights is a hard art to learn properly. This then increases the risk of potential injury as you will most likely be using poor form. Another factor that you must consider with free weights is the actual weight. Lifting something too heavy will increase the risk of injury as well. When doing free weights, make sure you learn the proper form and chose the weight wisely.

Takes time to learn the movements properly: Without the proper form, you are going to increase the risk of injury to yourself as mentioned before, but you aren’t going to get the full benefits of free weights. You wont be able to activate and stabilising muscles, well the best you’ll do it isolate the wrong ones!

The Pros and Cons of Machine Weights

Benefits of Machine Weights

Great for beginners: Machine weights are very easy to use. They are designed to move in only one way. It is very difficult to perform a certain exercise wrong with machine weights. Unless you don’t read the instructions in the machine. I’ve seen it before!

Can use more weight without supervision: With free weights, if you are lifting a heavy weight, you are more than likely (well you should) have someone spotting you. With machine weights, you don’t require someone to spot you.

Decreases the risk of injury: Machine weight decreases the risk of injury as the weight is on a cable guiding you with the correct form

Great for isolating a muscle: Machine weights can help target a muscle better for those muscles that are lagging behind. With the reduction of stabilising muscles activation, isolating a muscle will ensure the majority of the tension is felt in the area you are targeting.

Limitations of Machine Weights

They are popular: With machine weight being easier to perform than free weights, machine weights are the most popular equipment when the gym is packed. So, make sure if you base your training around machine weights, be sure to go to the gym

Doesn’t activate core muscles as much: Machine weights will activate your core muscles but not as good as free weight does.

So, which type of weights should you use?

My personal belief is that most people will benefit from incorporating both free and machines weights into their training program. If you are brand new to weight training, stick with machine weights for a while so you can build some strength up and then move onto free weights.

Where to from here?

An educated and experienced trainer will be able to prescribe the right exercises and programs that are based on your current fitness level, goals and previous experience. To have your very own tailored plan, get in touch today.

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