Exercising But Not Seeing Weight Loss? Here’s Why

‘Why am I working out but not shedding any kiols?’ This question might be troubling you if you’ve been putting in the effort at the gym but not seeing the scale move. It might seem contradictory, but working out doesn’t always translate to weight loss. Here are three critical questions to ponder:

Are You Truly Maintaining a Calorie Deficit?

The key to weight loss is maintaining a consistent calorie deficit over time. In other words, you need to burn more calories than you consume over a significant period. Exercise does burn calories, but it doesn’t guarantee weight loss unless you’re maintaining a deficit in your energy balance. Keeping a food diary and tracking your daily activity levels can help identify any potential roadblocks. If you’re finding it hard to lose weight, enquire with us now as we personalise all your exercise and nutrition needs

Are You Less Active Outside the Gym?

NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis), which includes activities like walking the dog, playing with the kids, or even fidgeting at your desk, plays a significant role in weight loss. It can account for up to 50% of your daily energy expenditure if you’re active throughout the day. However, when people start exercising, their NEAT can decrease, reducing energy expenditure and eliminating your calorie deficit. That’s why it’s recommended to aim for a minimum of 10,000 steps per day to keep your NEAT high.

Are You Consuming More Calories Unknowingly?

It’s common for people to overestimate the calories they burn through exercise and underestimate their daily calorie intake. You might think, ‘I’m working out and burning more calories, so I can eat more or indulge myself.’ However, these extra calories can often exceed the calories you’ve burned. Even small increases in hunger can lead to consuming extra calories, which can counteract your weight loss efforts. It’s advisable to track your food intake to prevent unconscious overeating.

While exercise is a crucial part of weight loss, it’s not a silver bullet. The most effective and sustainable way to lose weight is to combine efficient diet and training strategies. If you’re struggling with weight loss, consider seeking professional help to create a comprehensive diet and training plan to achieve your desired results.

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