
Should I eat carbs at night? Do carbs make fat? what should my daily carbohydrate intake be? Let’s take an unbiased view on popular carbohydrate myths “Over the past 15-20 years, there has been an increase in the low carb diet revolution and many now believe that eating carbohydrates is bad for you. For me, this...
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“If you own and surround yourself with the wrong foods, whether that be at home, or out of the house, either you or somebody you know will eventually eat these foods. Surround yourself with healthier foods so you or someone else has to indulge in better food choices” This quote is so powerful because of...
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When it comes to fitness, setting fitness goals with conviction is essential to help you really achieve your wishes. Do you have a goal? A focus in life? Something that you have invested a large amount of time, effort, money to achieve and yet feel you like you still haven’t achieved it or moved in the...
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So, you’re in this constant fight with yourself as you find your weight fluctuating consistently. As a personal trainer and online transformation specialist, I have had the privileged of helping hundreds of people lose weight but a common problem I see is that your weight doesn’t always head in the right direction. Weight fluctuation is...
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Having an office job can be a weight loss nightmare. With weekly after work drinks and “client meetings” that are usually had over a few courses of food and drink accompanied with a largely sedentary lifestyle, it is no wonder you don’t like the way you look and feel. There are a few easy habits...
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Outer Strength Fitness 2024 T&C