What Is NEAT?: Burn More Calories At Work

Are you a busy working professional that struggles to fit in consistent exercise every week? This can have an affect on you looking and feeling your healthiest. Here’s how you can burn more calories at work every day.

Non-exercise activity thermogenesis or NEAT is referred to the energy we expend doing our daily tasks in life such as walking, cleaning, brushing our teeth etc. This all burn calories whilst we do it. Not as much as proper exercise but it all counts.

How To Burn More Calories At Work Through Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis

1: Walk to work

If you live within a 5-6km radius of your workplace and you want to lose weight, walking to work will help you burn more calories compared to a normal day. Anywhere up to an extra 500 calories per day. How good it that! If walking to work isn’t realistic, and you take public transport daily, get off at the stop before yours and walk the rest of the distance to work. Again, this is getting you moving and burning more calories compared to normal.

2: Take the stairs

Do you work in an office building? If so, you’re more than likely going to take the easier option of taking the lift. Lift’s are soo convenient, aren’t they. You press the button to get the lift to come to your level, the press your floor and your away. You probably burnt 1-2 calories max. Next time you go to work, take the stairs. You could burn up to an extra 30 calories everytime you go up them.

3: Use stand up desk’s

Did you know, you burn more calories standing compared to sitting. Try and stand as much as possible during your working day. Why not try a standing desk, you can continue with your work, whilst you burn more calories at work.

4: Walking Meetings

Instead of sitting down in a meeting room, take your meeting on a little walk. Not only will you burn extra calories, but this is a fun way to change up boring meetings. Plus, you can get some fresh air as well!

5: Forget the email to a colleague – Walk to them

So you need to speak to a colleague in the same building so you just send an email to them. Typing the email you would’ve burnt maybe 1-4 calories, next time, get up out of your seat and go for a walk. It takes 2-3 minutes out of your day, and it gets your out of your chair as well.

Use these simple steps, and watch your daily calorie expenditure increase!
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