
JJ Coutts
Burn more calories
Are you a busy working professional that struggles to fit in consistent exercise every week? This can have an affect on you looking and feeling your healthiest. Here’s how you can burn more calories at work every day. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis or NEAT is referred to the energy we expend doing our daily tasks in...
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It’s January 1st the food and champagne from the festive seasons has stopped flowing and you think to yourself “I need to get fit/lose weight this year”. Sound familiar? Well, you’re in the same boat as the majority of the population. No doubt you have set a Fitness New Year’s Resolution surrounding your health and...
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The festive/holiday season can be a time that ruins all your diet and exercise results as there are a lot of celebrations around this time. season. Lots of food and drink is consumed. During the Christmas break, your discipline to continue to make healthy choices is effected which is totally understandable, but there are a...
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Outer Strength Fitness 2024 T&C