Your Christmas and New Year's Survival Guide - Outer Strength Fitness

Your Christmas and New Year’s Survival Guide

The festive/holiday season can be a time that ruins all your diet and exercise results as there are a lot of celebrations around this time. season. Lots of food and drink is consumed.

During the Christmas break, your discipline to continue to make healthy choices is effected which is totally understandable, but there are a couple of simple tricks you can utilise that will ensure you don’t fall off the wagon completely.

The festive season usually starts early December with work Christmas parties, Christmas and New Year’s celebrations, and I feel like there are a lot more birthdays in December! Well at least for me.

Let me show you my top tips for a healthier festive season and how you can still enjoy yourself without feeling the guilt of eating bad and reducing your exercise.

Tip 1 – Be active on Christmas Day

Sounds pretty simple, and it is. When you exercise, you burn calories. You are more than likely going to consume a lot more calories than normal on Christmas day so why don’t you try burn some off before your big Christmas Lunch so you have a calorie bank you can use. A morning run/walk is a great option that requires almost no effort.

You can also be quite active during the day with a walk after your big lunch. This will help your digestion and again help burn off those extra calories.

Tip 2 – Eat Slower

If you were to compare eating the same amount of food with the time it takes you to finish, the time you ate slower would potentially result in you eating less than if you were to eat quickly. Why? The effects of your bodies fullness hormone leptin can take a while to hit your system, hence the reason why you should eat slower. A great way to eat slower is by chewing your food really well. This will also help your body digest the food better.

Tip 3 – Fill your plate with veggies

Veggies are going to keep you full, making you not want to go back and eat 2nds.

New Year's Survival

Tip 4 – Learn how to say no

You are going to be influenced by others on during the festive season. It is actually very easy to say no to that extra cake or glass of wine. You just need to practice saying NO.

Tip 5 – Drink more water

Can you guess the 2 main drinks people will consume during the festive season, especially Christmas? Yes alcohol and coffee. Both of these drinks dehydrate you which then can lead to your body constantly feeling hungry. Not good.

Aim to drink at least 2-4 litres of water per day over December. If you live in the southern Hampshire, this is a must as it is peak summer period.

Tip 6 – Extra Workouts

If you’re on holidays for around 2 weeks, there isn’t a better chance to get some extra workouts in. This can come from a variety of classes, walks, runs, PT sessions. You’re going to feel much better off keeping fit over the festive season.New Years Survival Guide

Tip 7 – Enjoy Yourself

Trying to stick to your diet and exercise regime over the festive season is difficult. The most important thing about the festive season is to celebrate the year with your friends and family. If that means you have to go off your ‘healthy diet’ then so be it. Don’t fall into the trap of trying to restrict everything bag. Celebrate and enjoy yourself, then start the new year with a bang.


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