24 Foods To Always Have In Your House - Outer Strength Fitness

24 Foods To Always Have In Your House

“If you own and surround yourself with the wrong foods, whether that be at home, or out of the house, either you or somebody you know will eventually eat these foods. Surround yourself with healthier foods so you or someone else has to indulge in better food choices”

This quote is so powerful because of how true it is. I once went to a client’s house for a quick bite to eat. After 7 weeks of training with me, he only lost a small 2kgs. Look, any loss is great, but it wasn’t what we were aiming for. Exercising 5 days a week, and being pretty precise with his food but still not getting any outstanding results.


Having the opportunity to have a look in his fridge and pantry was the turning point. Chocolate, chips, crackers, and sweets were all around his direct influence. Even though my client said they “weren’t mine”, being around these foods will inevitable influence him into having a bite which will turn into having multiple more as that’s what normally happens which these foods.

Everyone’s fridge freezer and pantry could use a little makeover. You’re just going to need a little bit of organisation when it comes to selecting the healthiest foods to store in your fridge, freezer, and pantry. It will go a long way in helping you achieve your health and fitness goals. Here are 24 foods to always have in your house.

 Healthy Fridge Food

It’s really important to identify any healthy fridge food that you can add to your house. Here are some great healthy fridge food options:

1: Protein

Protein is a great option to control your hunger levels. Chicken, Turkey, Beef are all great choices that are quick to cook or even pre-cooked. Sundays are a great day to batch cook some chicken so you can prepare a few lunches during the week. Salmon and barramundi are great. Tofu is a great option for a vegetarian.

2: Eggs

Eggs are a perfect food option for any diet. There are multiple ways you can used eggs, whether you want a boiled egg in a salad, or poached/ scrambled eggs for breakfast. Eggs are a must in your fridge.

3: Greek Yoghurt

A great anytime option that can replace the high-calorie desserts. Greek yoghurt can be used in many dishes as an alternate substitute to cream.

4: Hummus

Perfect choice to replace any fatty dips. You can use hummus with any vegetables as a great snack. Click here if you would like to make your own homemade hummus.

5: Spinach

A great source of Vitamin K, A and magnesium.

6: Almond Milk

Almond milk has increased in popularity massively in the past 2-3 years. It is a great way to keep the calories down in your smoothies.

7: Fresh Veggies

Giving you a wide range of nutrition benefits, vegetables should be consumed every single day. Veggies such as broccoli, cucumber, tomato, peas are great options that can be added to any meal.

8: Cottage Cheese

Quite high in protein and a great source of Vitamin B12 which can help keep your blood cells nice and healthy.

9: Fresh Fruit

Who doesn’t like the taste of Fresh Fruit. Watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries are great options that are low in calories and full of healthy nutrients promoting better health.

10: Lemon

Squeezing some lemon in your morning water can help aid in better digestion.

11: Lite Milk

If you don’t fancy almond or any other nut milks, lite milk is a great choice to get some extra calcium in your diet. Lite milk has had any fat removed from it.

Healthy Freezer Food

Healthy freezer food is easy to buy as you can store it for a long time. Here are some great healthy freezer food options:

12: Frozen Protein

Salmon, Tuna, Prawns are easy options to buy from frozen that can be stored for a long time.

13: Mixed Berries

If you prefer not to buy the more expensive fresh berries, mixed berries are a great option to store in your freezer and use anytime you like.

14: Low-Calorie Ready Meals

You didn’t expect that one did you. Yes, you can store some low-calorie ready meals, but only use these if you struggle for time.

Healthy Pantry Food

The pantry is the place where we tend to keep our treat. Here are some healthy pantry foods to include today:

15: Oats

Oats are a very good option to give you a little extra sustained energy. Click here to see how you can make a very healthy overnight oat recipe

16: Chia Seeds

These are a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids which can help improve cardiovascular health. Try this super healthy berry and chia pudding

17: Nut Butters

A great spread to have. They are high In calories so use mindfully.

18: Taco Seasoning

Taco seasoning Is my choice when I batch cook chicken. It gives it quite a bit of flavor.

19: Turmeric

This spice is one of the strongest natural anti-inflammatories. It can be added into a lot of meals and used as a marinade also.

20: Almonds

A great snack option. Like the nut butters, they are high in calories so be mindful of how much you eat.

21: Basmati Rice

Basmati rice is a great alternative to normal white rice. It is lower in GI which means it gives you a slower release of energy.

22: Sweet Potato

A perfect alternative to normal potato. Again low in GI.

23: Salmon and Tuna tins

An easy and portable choice for increasing your protein intake. Can be used with salads.

24: Konjac Rice, Pasta

Ever heard of this? Well, it’s the low-calorie alternative to rice and pasta. 10 calories per serving is great isn’t it.


Make sure you stock your fridge, freezer, and pantry with the right foods, so you’re not tempted into making to wrong decisions by the foods you’re surrounded with.

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