30 Kgs Down – Learn How Jen Has Lost 30kgs

Having the dream of transforming your body is easy, but putting everything to practice isn’t.

OSF online client, Jen, decided enough was enough and she needed to transform her body both physically and mentally.

Hear from Jen and her trainer, JJ, about her journey so far:

Jen, before starting with OSF, how were you physically and mentally and what did your exercise and nutrition look like?

“Before starting with OSF I’d let my busy lifestyle completely take over, my weight had skyrocketed to its heaviest. I was tired all the time, low energy levels & exercise was pretty non-existent. My nutrition was pretty poor too, running around at 100mph was not doing me any good. I’d grab food when I could so most of the time it was quick, simple & not always the right things to be eating plus I’d snack in between meals. I would say my relationship with food was definitely an emotional one.”

Jen, what were your goals? And have you achieved them?

“1) Lose weight – DONE

2) Increase fitness & stamina to achieve a half marathon – DONE & then a marathon – TRAINING

3) Recently been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes – aiming to reduce medication & hopefully push my condition into remission – ONGOING”

JJ, what was the first thing you and Jen needed to work on to make this journey successful?

“The biggest factor that I had to instill into Jen’s mindset is that some days and even some weeks (which happened) might not be ideal, but that doesn’t mean that you throw in the towel and give up. Every aspect of exercise and nutrition is controlled by you and you only. We had a lot of work to do and there are plenty of opportunities for excuses but credit to Jen, she just got on with the job through good times and through setbacks.”


Jen, what changes with your exercise and nutrition were made by you and your trainer to achieve your results?​

“JJ took the time to listen to where I was, what I wanted to achieve & we worked together to tailor an exercise & nutrition plan that would give me the help I needed. I went very quickly from not thinking about what I was eating to planning meals, tracking food, batch cooking on Sundays & thinking about macros. Everything was explained in detail & JJ was always available if I had any questions or needed advice. The exercise programme was & continues to be updated at regular intervals so that what you are doing is always relevant to changing situations or goals. I went from not exercising to being active 5 days a week along with achieving daily step targets.”

Jen, how has this had an impact on your confidence, lifestyle and overall wellbeing inside and out of the gym?

“​I started to notice a big difference after just a few weeks of changing my nutrition habits, I was sleeping better, my concentration levels improved & I started to lose weight, people started to notice too – that part does wonders for your self confidence & gives you the drive to carry on. The exercise took a little longer for me to fall in love with, especially as everything hurt after those first sessions, but I persevered. I went from getting out of breath after less than 5 minutes on the treadmill to running a half marathon. It wasn’t the fastest half marathon but I did it & I would never have got there without the continued support & knowledge of OSF.

I’ve also noticed other health benefits too, losing weight has resulted in my blood pressure going back to normal – all steps in the right direction.”

Jen, how did you find the training and did it fit around your busy lifestyle?

“​Training when you have a busy lifestyle is always hard & yes sometimes sacrifices had to be made. I’m not going to say that getting up & being at the gym at 6am was always my favourite thing & there were times when I really didn’t want to do some of the exercises – sorry JJ! (I’m really not a fan of push ups!!) But once you start seeing the results of all your hard work it gives you the strength to keep going. Training is always focused around current goals & the luxury of being part of the on-line programme means there is the flexibility around days of the week & training sessions. There have been a number of times where I’ve juggled work & training around, as long as I finish the week having done everything I needed to a big tick goes in the box. I’ve also experienced face to face personal training with JJ, as on a holiday to Australia he took the time to train me meaning we could work on techniques that I could bring back home to the UK. My time with OSF hasn’t been without periods of injury & sickness either but again JJ worked with me to ensure my recovery & introduction back to training was successful.”

JJ, how would you rate this complete transformation?

It’s amazing. To be apart and help someone who is willing to listen to all advice and never make excuses regardless of what is thrown at her is something special. A big lesson that a lot can learn is that you will have to make some sacrifices if really want to transform your body, along with things that are going to be thrown at you that could de rail your progress and success, but if you keep fighting on you will get there! Get on with the job and don’t make excuses or blame others essentially. 

Jen, how has doing this transformation changed you personally, physically, mentally and do you think it will benefit you going forward?

“​What started as me really having to think about what I was doing, has now become second nature. OSF gave me all the tools to be successful. My nutrition is a million miles from where it was & I’m exercising more than ever & enjoying it! This is not a short term fix but changes that have been made for life! When the gyms shut in March due to Coronavirus & lockdown began, it could’ve gone horribly wrong but luckily we were allowed out once a day for exercise on our own so I did lots of walking, exercises from home & last week started running again. The old me would’ve taken this as an opportunity to quit. The new me saw it as an opportunity to kick things up a gear & use all the extra time to concentrate on hitting goals. My transformation is not over, I still have a way to go but I know now that I will get there, I have never been this focused!!!”


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